
To ensure that suppliers of Richtek Technology Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") maintain a safe working environment, respect human rights, preserve the environment, adhere to business ethics standards, and establish good partnerships with the Company, the following Supplier Code of Conduct is expected to be incorporated into their business operations and further conveyed to their suppliers and business partners. Those unwilling to cooperate or unable to comply with the Code may lead to a termination of business relationship with the Company.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to labor laws, environmental laws, and anti-corruption regulations, and shall also ensure their business operations comply with local and international standards.

2. Working Conditions

Suppliers shall ensure their employees work in a safe and healthy environment, protect labor rights, and comply with relevant legal requirements and standards for labor rights and welfare.

3. Environmental Responsibility

Suppliers shall strive to minimize the environmental impact of their business, reduce waste and pollution, and seek opportunities to use renewable energy and sustainable materials.

4. Business Ethics

Suppliers shall adhere to the highest standards of business ethics, including honesty, transparency, and fair competition, and shall also avoid engaging in any form of corruption or illegal activities.

5. Integrity Commitment

Suppliers must not offer, request, or accept any form of payment (e.g., cash, stocks, bonds, vouchers, or other securities), improper gifts, hospitality (e.g., vacations, accommodations, meals, entertainment tickets), benefits, or any form of bribery or kickbacks from or to any employees of the Company, their relatives or friends, or any designated third parties. They must also refrain from inviting such individuals to participate in any form of equity investments, share gifting, stock options, or other similar benefits.

6. Data Security and Privacy

Suppliers shall ensure that data of the Company and its business partners are properly protected and comply with all relevant data privacy laws and regulations.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

Suppliers shall respect intellectual property rights of the Company and other third parties, provide adequate protection for their confidential information, and maintain complete and accurate business records as well.

The Company expects its suppliers to regard the Code as a basis for building a long-term partnership with it and to convey the Code to their suppliers and business partners.